Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Coffee with Nexus - Mumbai

Our next coffee with Nexus event will be at:

Date/Time: September 26, Friday, 6-8PM

Hall of Quest,
Nehru Planetarium,
Worli, Mumbai

Please RSVP to as soon as possible because of limited seats.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Manoj Gupta,

It is confirmed that you work 24 x 7 for "Clean Tech", Nexus Capital and new entrepreuners because both of the blogs posted by you is between 2 and 5 am, which is certainly admirable.

In fact I had been to TiE ISB Connect 2007 at Hyderaba and in conference I expressed my views that to reach unbanked laymen, microfinance is playing vital role comparison to commercialized banks. Similarly VCs also can adopt some successful strategies to reach small/micro/tiny budding enterpreuners and it is need of an hour.
And I really feel that echo of my view has been heard by Nexus Capital Team who has started organizing the event like "Coffee with Nexus" and I hope that the event shall definetly take care of all participants i.e from Micro to Macro.
Wish you best wishes for innovative initiative.Keep it up.